Easter Egg Hunts

Created by Sophie Bell 13 years ago
I have many fond memories of Mark, Angie and Kai from a very young age and will always treasure them. It's not until something like this happens that you remember that you have these memories. I think my favourite one has to be of all the Easter Egg Hunts that Mark and Angie took me on. I would always be so excited for Easter to come as it meant that i'd get to stuff my face with all the eggs I had found. What was lovely was that the time was taken for us to enjoy the fantasy of the Easter Bunny. Luckily I got to enjoy that fantasy up until I was about 10. Sadly my last hunt, I caught Mark ahead of me and Kai placing them in the bushes and even found a lovely creme egg in some dog poo, he always had a sense of humour and I always remember him being happy. Being the greedy little child I was, I still think I would have taken it if Angie hadn't told me off. I still remember Mark telling me that I had to keep it a secret because Kai didn't know. I hope you still believe in the Easter Bunny Kai, I kept that from you all these years but maybe you discovered the egg in the poo scenario too. There's too many stories to remember, from going to pick up Homer and being chased by the litter of puppies, your wedding, the stories about King getting his head stuck in the car window (i can't remember if I was there), the black sports car that picked me up from my house (I honestly believed it was the batmobile) to fond memories of us fishing down the Gannel for gobies. I will always keep these treasured childhood memories and I thank you all for them. Sophie. xxxx